By the way, is it good luck to get your toe licked by a boar in the Year of the Boar?
This is part of a Chinese acrobatics show on one of the entertainment stages at the festival. You may need to click this pic to see it, but this woman is balancing 3 eggs stacked on top of a stick, on the bridge of her nose. No, I'm not kidding. You have to see it to believe it.
I believe that's 21 champagne glasses, on a tray balanced on her forehead, while spinning 2 rings on each arm and a hula hoop around her waist. Told ya, you have to see this to believe it.
Another part of the Chinese acrobatics. This man is repeatedly balancing a teapot on a stick between his teeth, throwing it up in the air, and catching it again... on the end of its spout. And its side. And the bottom. Another "no way" moment.
The same man, putting stacks of porcelain dishes on his feet, tossing them into the air, and catching them in a growing stack balanced on the top of his head. Then putting a curly wire in his mouth and catching some more of them on the wire. Did I mention he's doing all this while riding a unicycle?
A flock of seagulls began circling around the moon, still visible as we waited for the parade to begin at 2:00 p.m. It was a striking scene and I just had to capture it.
There were many beautiful dragons like this throughout the 3+ hour long parade.
A couple more gorgeous pics I managed to take before the camera batteries died.
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