When we approached on the path, a couple of adults started walking toward us. This is the part where we get hissed at and bitten, I thought. They will often attack pretty ferociously, people included, if they feel they or their babies are threatened. It turns out these were not aggressive, and had probably been fed by people before, but they watched our every move just in case.
We saw that 4 adults guarded no less than 65 (by Nickie's count) little goslings. Canada Geese only lay about 3 to 8 eggs at a time, so these are obviously the combined offspring of the whole flock and these 4 adults are on babysitting shift. (If you look by the river and trees in the background, you'll see some other adults resting and watching.) We had brought some unsalted peanuts for the squirrels, but we just couldn't resist these cuties so we cracked open the shells and fed them. Interestingly, 3 of the babysitters examined the peanuts but wouldn't eat, letting the babies snap them up. The 4th did eat one and was immediately bitten and chased by one of the other babysitters for it. Apparently the babysitters are expected to leave all the food for the babies, and will get a nasty reminder if they do otherwise. Yes, there is a social order, and you'd better follow it mister!

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